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Welcome to Whitchurch Walkers

affiliated to The Ramblers

Walking in and around Whitchurch Shropshire - a Walkers are Welcome town

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   Wybunbury Moss  Buntingsadale Hall Jean & Dot

Upcoming Walks & latest news

If you intend to come on a walk, please register hereVisitors welcome

Meet at Sherrymill Hill car park (unless programme below states otherwise)
[next to Jubilee Park and opposite Waterside Close, SY13 1DF]

For location of car parks click here

Unless it says otherwise, dogs are allowed on walks
but MUST be restrained on a fixed length lead no longer than 1.2m (4ft) at all times.

Date Meet at Sherrymill Hill car park, unless otherwise stated Walk Leader(s)
Sun 8th September

Meet at Sherrymill Hill and drive to Leigh Arms Public House, Acton Bridge on A49.  This 9.5-mile walk will cover local paths, lanes, the Weaver Way and Trent and Mersey Canal.  We'll have refreshments at the Leigh Arms upon on our return.

Kevin Ikin
07775 526227
Weds 11th Sept
10.00 am

We will car share from Sherrymill Hill carpark and will make the pleasant
drive into Cheshire to Dagfields Antique and craft village (CW5 7LG).
Dagfields is the largest antiques centre in the Northwest; it has tea
rooms plus a great shop that sells home-made tasty pies.  Perhaps you might like to purchase one for your packed lunch.

We will start this 5-mile dog friendly walk from the pie
shop.  The walk will take us through several ancient
parishes, cheshire footpaths, a sand quarry and a lovely stroll on the
Schwingmoor Bog which lies within a hollow from the last Ice Age.  The Bog is
home for lots of rare plants including the Sundew, Bog Aspodel and Bog
Rosemary as well as Dragonflies.

We will have our packed lunch next to
the famous leaning tower of St Chads which dates back to the 7th Century
and was built in 1470. There is also a very good pub which serves
refreshments next to the church for anyone that wants a cool drink.
After lunch we will make our way back, walking over a
brook with a bridge that is stocked with brown trout, and at one time
was used as a source of power for corn milling and iron production.
Once back at the car park (around 2-30pm) walkers will have the option to
have refreshments at the farm tea room and a browse around the
shopping village of hidden gems.

Bev Leighton
07904 664854
16th September 10.00am
Shropshire Way Festival 2024 - Whixall

Meet 10:00 am  at Whixall Marina, Alders Lane, Whixall, SY13 2QS (please park in overflow car park if available). 

A 7 mile walk from Whixall marina following the Shropshire Way towards Bettisfield then on the old Cambrian Railway to access the Fenns and Mosses. The route returns to the marina via another section of the Shropshire Way. Food and drink available to order at the marina cafe at the end of the walk.

Walking boots essential. Bring drink and snacks.

Route subject to change if adverse weather conditions. To book, please use this link: Booking Form.

More details about the Shropshire Way Festival can be found here.
Kevin Ikin
07775 526227
Sun 22nd September
Shropshire Way Festival 2024 - Coton

Meet 10:00 am at the Bull & Dog, Coton, Whitchurch SY13 2RA.

An 8 mile circular route from the Bull & Dog pub in Coton following a section of the Shropshire Way to the Whixall Marina cafe. Food available to order at the pub at the end of the walk.  Please book using this link: Booking Form.

More details about the Shropshire Way Festival can be found here.

Kevin Ikin
07775 526227
Sat 28th September

We will meet at Sherrymill Hill car park and car share to Acton car park.
This 6-mile walk will go across the fields where the Battle of Nantwich
took place. We pass the Walled Garden and make our way to the lake,
passing the US airman's grave. We head across to the canal and make
our way back to Acton.

Please note, no dogs allowed.

Helen Lea
07562 358331

The full current programme can be viewed on  the Walks Programme page.

If you would like to join the group walks, why not join the group?
Membership costs only £5 per year. To join, go to the Membership page.

Latest news
Other  notices

Save the Dates
2025 Walking Festival
Fri 9th to Sun 11th May

Save Our Driving Centre!

It currently looks like the DVSA have utilised the RAAC problems at the Civic Centre as an excuse not to house the driving centre there.
Local MP Helen Morgan and others are campaigning against this decision.

See article from Whitchurch Herald
Shropshire Council rights of way have closed all the footpaths off Greenfoot lane from 22/06/23 for public safety reasons whilst work is carried out on the development in the area.

There is an alternative for the 1st path on the right 0233/122/ which goes through the cricket ground to the Hatton way. There are no alternatives given for the
other 5 rights of way, including the path that crosses the by-pass, part of our Belton bracer walk.

The closures will remain in place until July for some paths and December for others.

2023 Freedom Fund Grant Awarded to Whitchurch Walkers

A link to the Cheshire footpath map
has been added to the footpaths page

The second edition of our acclaimed walks book, fully revised with 22 new photographs and extended to include the Whitchurch Wheel is available from BookShrop in Green End  - priced £6.
More information

More news
Whitchurch Walks book Photos and more from recent walks and P3 work can be found on the
 Whitchurch Walkers Facebook page.

To see a map of local paths including stile-free routes click here or on the small map above

If on your walks you come across footpaths obstructed by crops or other issues please report them.